stop explaining what it’s like to be you in your book
You’re proud to be Asian, Black, Latinx, Indigenous, LGBTQ
(i.e., not the status quo)
Why should your book be any different?
Do you side-eye those top ten book lists where the all characters are cis, white, and heteronormative? Me, too.
You’re sick of books where the characters don’t look like you. Or if the characters look like you, their story only focuses on your culture’s pain and trauma.
You want to publish a book with characters that don’t cater to the white gaze.
You don’t want to explain what it’s like to be you in your book.
You shouldn’t have to. Your characters are multi-dimensional, not stereotypes.
You’re ready to embrace your voice unapologetically so others can see themselves when they read your book.
Because you know that representation matters.
You have a story worth telling
Yes, you can write and publish a book
But you don’t have to do it alone.
I help BIPOC writers like YOU finish and publish your books.